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Somers Middle School News
The familiar melody of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” fills the afterschool hallways of Somers Middle School every Thursday afternoon as students in the Rockestra ensemble practice.
Shhhh! Authors at work!
The eighth-grade students at Somers Middle School (SMS) are crafting their own novels for National Novel Writing Month, a 30-day challenge that comes each November. Intended to immerse them in writing, the project has inspired a wide range of stories about ghosts, football players, a dystopian society and more.
A new performing arts program at Somers Middle School is helping students learn from each other through practice and peer mentoring.
“If you have the desire to coach,” said Mrs. Rachel Malara, “then you can help a younger student.”
Clean water, quality education, life on land or below water, and good health were just a few of the sustainable goals students were learning about and trying to improve by designing sustainability superheroes.
SMS Announcements & Updates
Please Click "Read More" to see the PDF with complete details.
We hope you are taking some time to recharge this summer and are looking forward to a great new year. We are excited to reconnect with the children and see their smiling faces! Information for the new year will be updated during the summer.
Welcome to Somers Middle School, a place of great transitions! An accredited Middle Years School, SMS nurtures life-long learning and global citizenship with a focus on reflection, open-mindedness, and inquiry. We support the development of the whole child with an emphasis on respect of self and others, learning responsibility for one’s actions, and developing acceptance and appreciation for the differences of others. I am proud of the SMS tradition of helping middle school students navigate the challenges of adolescence by focusing on strong academics while providing a supportive environment.
Jen Mangone
Kristen Mucciacciaro
Assistant Principal