Regular school attendance is a key to academic success and required by New York State law. When a student is absent, however, parents should contact our attendance office. Please email Ms. Cindy Esposito, our Attendance Clerk, at with your child’s absence. You may also call the attendance office at (914) 277-3399 ext. 3003.
When they return to school, students must bring a note explaining their absence to Ms. Espositoin the main office. Parents may also use our attendance e-mail. The e-mail will fulfill the absence note requirement. Students who are truant (absent without permission) will be placed on in-school suspension.
Schoolwork that is incomplete due to an accepted absence can be made up in the time allowed by the individual teacher.
Please remember that it is necessary to call the absentee phone line on each day that your child is absent from school, unless you have discussed the situation with the school nurse or Ms. Esposito about an extended absence.
If a student is absent...
Email our attendance office at
or call (914) 277-3399 ext. 3003
When reporting your child’s absence, you will need to provide the following information in your email or call:
- Your child’s first and last name
- Your child’s grade
- The date of the absence
- Reason for your child’s absence
The middle school recognizes the importance of good attendance for academic and social success. It is also important to get to school on time. With this in mind the following policy is designed to promote regular attendance on the part of all of our students:
1. The assistant principal and school attendance clerk will meet regularly to examine attendance and tardy issues.
2. A child who reaches 10 absences or tardies will set in motion the following:
- Parental notification regarding excessive absences by letter.
3. A child who reaches 20 absences or tardies will set in motion the following:
- Parent will meet with an administrator to address the issue of school attendance to develop a plan for improving attendance.
4. If absences continue, a referral to the appropriate social services agency will follow.
There are times when students are absent from school because of extended vacations. We discourage this practice because nothing can replace the on-going instruction that occurs within each class. When such absences are unavoidable, to lessen the overall impact on a student’s progress, teachers will do their best to provide the student with assignments in advance.
Somers Middle School has established the following guidelines for parents and students:
- The parent must contact the school guidance counselor and the attendance office in writing if he/she must take the child out of school.
- Parents are responsible for supervising the completion of all assigned student work by the return date.
- Students must recognize that these assignments may differ from those originally assigned.
- All missed tests and projects will be completed in a timely manner.
- Teachers give extra help on a regular basis to many students; therefore, they will not be able to provide “catch-up” help to students who are out on extended vacation.
It is our firm belief that extended absences should be avoided.However, if absolutely necessary, the above guidelines have been developed to ensure as much continuity in a student’s progress as possible.
Students arriving at school between 7:45 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. (and are not involved with the before school programs) should be dropped off in the bus loop between SIS and SMS and report to the cafeteria. Any student taking part in early morning activities must report no earlier than 7:30 a.m. and go directly to their activity at that time.
Any student arriving at school late (after 8:20 a.m.) should report directly to the front security vestibule. They will be signed in and issued a pass allowing them into their class.
If a student needs to leave SMS before the end of the regular school day, an email or note from the parent or guardian must be sent or brought to the attendance desk in the main office at the beginning of the school day. The following information must be included in the email/note:
- Your child’s first and last name
- Your child’s grade
- The date and time you will need to pick your child up
- The reason for your child’s early dismissal
Once you arrive to pick up your child, you will report to the security vestibule. Here you will need to have your driver’s license/state issued photo ID scanned to sign out the student before the student leaves the building. Upon your arrival, we will call your child from class and have them report to the security vestibule.