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Tusker Tribune Newspaper

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Mr. Pappas
Tusker Tribune Club Advisor

Tusker Tribune

Welcome to the Tusker Tribune, the online student newspaper of Somers Middle School.

Each week, our team of intrepid reporters sniff out stories and write about them. Everything from state tests to movie reviews to features — it's all reported on and uploaded to this cool site. The club is open to anyone who wants their writing published throughout the SMS community! 

We welcome anyone who likes to write! However, if you need a little encouragement, take a look at TWO INCENTIVES we have for potential student writers.


If you are a member of NJHS (National Junior Honor Society), you can get NJHS service hours by writing stories for the Tusker Tribune.

  • One 150-200-word story = one service hour.
  • One 200-300-word story = two service hours.
  • Anything above 300 words = three service hours


For every three stories you write (each 150 words or more) that are published in the Tusker Tribune, you receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card. Maximum of 24 stories in one school year.

Note: Incentive 1 and Incentive 2 CANNOT be combined. Choose one or the other.

Stories must be a MINIMUM of 150 words each to be counted for one of the incentives. Students can submit stories by typing them in Word, and SHARING the document through One Drive with Mr. Pappas at
STORIES WRITTEN WITH AI (ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence) will not qualify for any incentive. I want to see YOUR creative writing. Thank you.
Let the Power of the Press spread throughout the school! The people HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!!!!!

The Tusker Tribune meets about once a month, on Thursdays, in room 304 at 3:15 PM.  If there is a meeting, it will be on morning announcements and will be announced on the Tusker Tribune Schoology Group Page. The access code to join the Tusker Tribune Schoology Group Page is CMPV-7F86-GGB8P.

But you don't have to attend the meetings. You can simply write a story and share it with me! All stories MUST be related to Somers Middle School in some way.

Tucker Tribune News Archives